Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Bring on the New Year's Resolutions!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that you've all managed to shake off your turkey-induced comas and recovered from the gift-receiving high that seems to overcome just about everyone this time of year.

I love welcoming the new year. I find the simple idea of starting a new year, opening up a crisp new calendar, and even having to scribble out the wrong year on all my written documents for the first few weeks to be refreshing.

As a result of all this, I love making New Year's resolutions because, really, how does turning over a new leaf and undertaking a new hobby, regiment, or goal not bring about that same fresh, crisp, and ... well ... new feeling?

As is the norm for me, I made up a list of resolutions that I plan to undertake this year. For 2014, I resolve to ... 
  1.  ... stop biting my nails. I have to admit that I don't really think that there's too much "new" about this one. I've been promising myself to do this very thing for longer than I'd like to think about. But, I still nibble on a nail every now and then, so it's still here.
  2.  ... better create balance of the work-life variety. One thing I've found in 2013 is that it's deceptively easy to get sucked into the old of being a boring, grumpy, old "grown up." After all, the laundry needs to be done, the dishwasher needs to be loaded, and the kitchen floor needs to be swept, and all these household tasks (when coupled with work and school) seem to leave little time for chatty strolls around the inlet and equally chatty shopping trips.
  3.  ... not shirk my blogging duties. When I started my internship last May, I seemed to disappear from the blogosphere. To prove that these two things were entirely coincidental and not at all related, I'm going to make sure to blog once a week--probably Mondays. When I get this down pat, then I'll work on upping it to twice a week.
  4.  ... continue to wear out my CrockPot.  To this day, I honestly believe that my CrockPot is the best birthday present I've ever gotten. It's given me tasty, healthy, and convenient home-made meals throughout school semesters and busy internships.
  5.  ... not freak out/mope/get upset/be too hard on myself when I inevitably let one of these resolutions slip. To slip up is to be human, and this is something that I have to remind myself of when forging on into 2014. 

What about you? What are your New Year's resolutions?

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